Mainstage Presenters

Wednesday, July 24 | 2:00 PM


Duncan Wardle

Embedding a culture of innovation & creativity into everyone's DNA 

Formerly the Head of Innovation & Creativity at Disney, Duncan helped teams at Disney Parks, Lucasfilm, Marvel, Pixar, Imagineering and Animation to innovate, creating magical new storylines and amazing experiences for consumers around the globe.

He now brings his Disney experience to audiences around the world, delivering a series of keynotes, masterclasses and ideation forums, that help people capture unlikely connections, leading to both disruptive thinking and revolutionary ideas. He is a multiple TEDx speaker and frequent contributor to Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, and Forbes, and he teaches Innovation and Creativity Masterclasses at Yale and Harvard Universities. Duncan holds the American Citizen Award presented at the White House, an Honorary Doctorate from Edinburgh University, and the Duke of Edinburgh Award, presented by Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth

Thursday, July 25 | 8:15 AM

Max Talk + Panel

Unicorn Alchemy: Turning Your Uniqueness into Gold

As Albert Einstein famously remarked, "Everybody is a genius." And yet, we often find ourselves trapped, like a fish asked to climb a tree. Your purpose in life, as Pablo Picasso so eloquently put it, is to discover your gift and share it with the world. Your uniqueness is your superpower, your magic.

But how do you uncover that magic, your genius?
Well, that's precisely what this captivating keynote and panel discussion are all about.

Prepare to be electrified by an 18-minute keynote from Damion Morris, CPSM. In this edutaining storytelling session, Damion will illustrate the magnetic power of embracing your uniqueness, setting you on the path to discovering your true calling.

Following the keynote, Damion will host a panel discussion featuring AEC Marketing trailblazers who had the audacity to follow their callings. They'll entertain and inspire you with tales of transformation, sharing how their bold decisions reshaped their careers and lives. Prepare to be armed with priceless insights and practical tips, empowering you to embark on your own journey of self-discovery, courage, and innovation.


Friday, July 26 | 8:00 AM


Panel Discussion

AI Impact on AEC: Trends, Tactics, and Tomorrow

Join us for an engaging discussion featuring veteran AEC digital marketers and leading AI professionals, as they delve into the multifaceted and ongoing impact of AI. Panelists will share real-world experiences and insights on how AI is continuing to revolutionize knowledge, workflows, organizational dynamics, and ROI. Gain insights into innovative new applications and tools that extend beyond content creation, uncovering the potential of AI-driven processes to enhance proposals and win strategies. Moreover, get an exclusive sneak peek into upcoming AI trends by hearing from the creators and coders themselves, preparing you to stay ahead in an ever-evolving AI landscape. During this captivating session, you will:

  • Explore Versatile AI Applications:
    Learn how to leverage AI beyond content creation.
  • Tailor-Made AI Tools for AEC Marketers:
    Gain insights into specialized AI tools and software designed specifically for AEC marketers.
  • The Future of AI:
    Be the first in your organization to hear what’s new and next in AI technology.

Don't miss this chance to dive deep into AI's potential, explore its game-changing impact on AEC marketing, gain valuable insights into what’s on the horizon, and redefine your own strategy.

Friday, July 26 | 12:15 pm

Denise Thomas

Motivating High Performance: Understanding and Embracing How Communication Aligns with Business Growth

Denise M. Thomas is the President and Owner of The Effective Communication Coach. She offers services that transform emerging and existing professionals into exceptional leaders by mastering the art of effective communication. An incredibly dynamic speaker, Denise consistently delivers highly regarded keynotes to groups of hundreds or thousands. Most recently, she has provided speaking services to organizations such as Kohl’s, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Educators Credit Union and Northwestern Mutual.

Her closing keynote will focus on managing relationship building as a critical component to achieve success both personally and professionally. Relationship building is the foundation for driving vision and innovation. In order to effectively communicate - to manage, to navigate, to inspire - it is essential to build meaningful relationships.

During her presentation, Denise will first level set: identifying our values, understanding how and why people show up. From there, she will present “Purpose-Driven Innovation” including how to assign meaningful work to team members and how to align your company’s goals to individual purpose. Lastly, she will dive into five ways to use your voice for impact.


Denise Thomas headshot